Kara Ince

Kara Ince

Court reporting is one of the hardest professions to go to school for but also one of the most rewarding. There are not very many people in the working world that can get up and go to work

doing what they love to do and make very good money. When I first entered court reporting school I was told that there is a 96% drop out rate. I thought, great, the odds are against me. But, like the saying goes “anything worth having is worth fighting for.”

I started CRIKC in February of 2009 and finished my theory in four months. I moved over to speed building and moved through my first few speeds very quickly. When I reached 120 wpm (words per minute) I hit a plateau. Well, that was the first time I had done that since starting school and I wasn’t sure what I was going to do or what I should do. I started talking to some of the other students and they assured me that it was very normal to hit plateaus and gave me some advice and tips to conquer it. I tried to stay consistent while I was in school and continue to strive to ask questions to other students who were ahead of me in speed building because I figured it was a “been there done that” type situation.

One of the great things about CRIKC is that all the students are together all the time. Whether you are just starting with theory or coming in as a speed building student from another school. We are always there to support and encourage one another because the fact is court reporting is challenging. It is going to take a lot of hard work and dedication, but if you are motivated and willing to make certain sacrifices you will succeed.

We all have hurdles and obstacles in our life that we feel hold us back from succeeding and excelling in the things we want and love. There will always be an excuse as to why you can’t do something. When I first started CRIKC I was married with an 8 month old baby. I became pregnant with my second child one month after I started school and I got pregnant again towards the end of school. I had my third child in October and graduated the program in December. Let me reiterate, it is going to be a lot of hard work and you will need the support of the people around you, but you can do it. If I can do it, anybody can do it.

Good Luck,

Kara Ince.